Make 2020 a catalyst for a brighter future for nursing

12 November 2019

ICN Chief Executive Howard Catton has spoken of his desire to make the Year of the Nurse a turning point in the history of nursing.

Speaking at a meeting of editors of European nursing journal editors, hosted by ICN in Geneva, Mr Catton said:

“We want the 2020 Year of the Nurse celebrations to be a catalyst for real change in the way nursing is perceived and understood around the world.

"The events next year will be important, but more important will be the enduring changes that come about from a step-change in the public’s attitudes to the profession.”

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Catton called on all nurses to take part in next year’s events and contribute in any way they can to make it a memorable and successful campaign.

“Every nurse has a story to tell, and next year they have a special opportunity to tell it to the world. By getting the message out about what nurses do and how important nurses are to the health of people all over the planet, we will secure the future of our wonderful profession for generations to come."

Editors from eight European countries attended the two-day network meeting at ICN headquarters, where they discussed the challenges facing nursing and the state of healthcare publishing in their countries.

Next year’s meeting will be in Rome, Italy.

EEN group photo