Chief Nurse Blog: Nursing Matters November 2022

30 November 2022

I am thrilled to share with you the exciting call for nominations for two legacy nursing awards that ICN manages. The deadline for your nominations is 15 December 2022.

Find yourself in the stellar company of previous winners!

Florence Nightingale International Foundation International Achievement Award

This award is offered biennially to a practising nurse, with a minimum of 10 years’ experience, in one domain of nursing: direct care, education, management or research, which has achieved significant impact internationally. Nominees must be a current ICN national nurses’ association (NNA) member in good standing.

Previous recipients of the International Achievement Award

  • 1999: Margaret Hilson, Canada
  • 2001: Dr Susie Kim, Korea
  • 2003: Carol Etherington, USA
  • 2007: Anneli Eriksson, Sweden
  • 2011: Dr Liisa Hallila Finland
  • 2015: Dr Subadhra Devi Rai, Singapore
  • 2017: Dr Nancy Glass, USA
  • 2019: Dr Joyce Fitzpatrick, USA
  • 2021: Marianne Stoger & Margaritha Pissarek, South Korea

The winner with be celebrated and deliver a public address at the award presentation and receive a commemorative gift, certificate and travel expenses (economy class) and a free registration to the ICN Congress in Montreal in July 2023!

Make your nomination here!

Kim Mo-Im Policy Innovation and Impact Award

This biennial nursing award is for a qualified practicing nurse who is also an ICN NNA member in good standing. The nominee must demonstrate an outstanding achievement and impact on public policy related to nursing, health and/or innovation. The specific policy must focus on a key regional, national or global system health policy issue and align with the strategy of ICN. The US$10,000 grant (in two instalments) can advance your innovative policy project.

Evaluation criteria include: 1) demonstrated achievement and impact of the policy related to nursing, health, and innovation to advance public policy, 2) The regional, national or global system policy impact or application, 3) Significance and level of the policy for nursing and health, 4) Current and potential future impact of the policy for nursing and health.

A group of two or three nurses who have collaborated on the same project may be nominated as a group nominee. Members of the Boards, and any employees, of the International Council of Nurses, Florence Nightingale International Foundation (FNIF), International Council of Nurses Foundation (ICNF) may not make or support nominations, nor be nominated themselves.

The project leader identified in the nomination form will represent the group at the ICN Congress. You will also be recognized when you present your project/research during the ICN Congress Montreal 2023.

Previous recipients of the Kim Mo-Im Award:

2017: Dr Miaofen Yen, Taiwan, International Advanced Programme in Nursing at the National Cheung Kung University in Taiwan.

2019: Mr Elias Al Aaraj, Lebanon, Harm reduction services in Lebanon and other Middle East and North African countries.

2021: Pr. Abel Avelino de Paiva e Silva, Ordem dos Enfermeiros, Advancing policy on nursing ontology.

Make your nomination here!

ICN Special Visit

During the ICN Board meeting, hosted by KNA in South Korea this month, I had the honour of meeting Dr Kim Mo-Im in her home along with President Dr Cipriani. Dr Kim is a stellar pioneer leader in social and health development policy impacts. She was the first nurse in Korea appointed to Minister of Health, a member of the World Health Organization Expert Panel of Nursing for 20 years, and ICN President from 1989 to 1993. She received the National Merit of Bioscience in 2018 ─ Korea’s highest recognition as a world influential Korean by state.

Photo 1

Dr Kim Mo IM, was delighted to accept a plaque of recognition from ICN.

Photo 2

The President and I received a cherished autographed copy of 1000 Paths for Nurses – The Story of Professor Kim Mo Im.

Photo 3

I share the English translated PDF with permission. Authored by Dr. Euisook Kim and Dr. Kasil Oh, originally written in the Korean language for nurses and nursing associations, the book is also translated into Mongolian and used at the University of Ulaanbaatar. It is a great resource for global nursing leadership curriculum.

Download the PDF here.

All my best, Michelle

Dr Michelle Acorn ICN Chief Nurse, DNP NP PHC/Adult, FCAN, FAAN, CGNC