Health Care in Danger

Health Care in Danger

ICN is closely involved in the Health Care in Danger (HCiD) project, which ultimately aims to make access to healthcare in situations of armed violence more secure.  The project, which is led by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), aims to improve security and delivery of impartial and efficient healthcare in armed conflict and other emergencies.

Health Care in Danger

The ethical principles of healthcare in times of armed conflict and other emergencies have been jointly developed by ICRC, ICN, WMA and other professional associations. 

In May 2016, ICN signed a joint statement by members of the Health Care in Danger initiative, calling on the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution to protect healthcare workers. 

The statement urged Security Council member states to reaffirm international humanitarian law and adopt specific measures for the protection of healthcare. It also called for governments to review and, where necessary, introduce domestic legislation to prevent violence against patients, healthcare personnel, facilities, and medical vehicles.