International Forum on Regulation

21 February 2019

Madrid, Spain 21-22 February 2019 -  ICN and the Consejo General de Enfermería (CGE)in Spain are holding an International Forum on Regulation, 21-22 February, in order to scope out the current and key issues for regulators around the world and look ahead at what the future may hold.

The Forum, hosted by Florentino Pérez Raya, President of the CGE, Máximo González Jurado, Co-Founder, European Regulators Network and Annette Kennedy, President of ICN, will bring together leaders in nursing regulation from many countries around the world and will include country reports on the current situation of nursing regulation; a presentation by Dr David Benton, NCSBN CEO, on regulatory reforms; and a presentation by Howard Catton, ICN CEO, on global health and the nursing agenda. The Forum will end with group discussions on key issues and priorities.

Regulation is one of ICN’s three pillars and this Forum will help us plan the work that we want to do in relation to regulation going forward. ICN’s upcoming Congress in Singapore will also have a significant focus on regulation. Look out for our social media coverage of the Forum!