Federación Argentina de Enfermería (FAE)

Argentina Association logo
Rivadavia 3518
1204 Buenos Aires
Phone number
+54 (11) 4865 1512

On August 17, 1965, the Federación Argentina De Enfermería (FAE) was founded with the following purposes purposes of:

  • Promote the nucleation, development and strengthening of Nursing.
  • Define and propose nursing policies.
  • Represent before national and international organizations.
  • Assume the responsibility of defending the Working Conditions and Environment (CyMATLa).



To represent the profession before national, regional and international organizations, promoting the nucleation, development and strengthening of nursing; the participation in planning and management organizations in which policies are formulated and decisions are made in the implementation of public policies on health, education, and socio-environmental and economic conditions that affect Nursing and society.



To be the spokesperson of Nursing in national, regional and international spaces that:

  • Promotes and consolidates the unity of nurses to strengthen professional identity and representativeness, achieve leadership position in health and full social recognition through the development and commitment of professional organizations.
  • Works in alliance and collaboration with educational, labor, civil society organizations for the achievement of a health system based on the Right to Health, centered on people and populations; that ensures universal health coverage within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) exerting its influence on health and socioeconomic-environmental policies; gender equality, ensuring well-being with decent living and working conditions.