Other international organizations

Since the founding of the League of Nations in 1920, ICN has worked collaboratively and consistently on many projects of mutual interest with the United Nations and its agencies, demonstrating expertise and capacity to contribute and consult on a wide range of general issues of concern to ECOSOC and the UN. 

WHO building

ICN collaboration with UN entities has expanded from WHO and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to include active, ongoing collaborations with the World Bank (WB), UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFCCC, UN Women as well as Member States and national, regional and international nursing and non-nursing organizations.  

ICN is regarded as an expert in a range of issues related to the concerns of UN: economics, policy development, workforce, gender equality, education, climate change/planetary health, advocacy, women's empowerment, peace and peace education, resource disparities and all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in addition to health and its social determinants. As the largest health profession in the health workforce, nurses are intrinsically linked to the ability of countries to achieve the goals under all 17 of the SDGs. ICN representatives are active members of civil society and contribute in many ways to the ECOSOC and NGO community.  

ICN hosts a variety of side and parallel events at major UN events such as the UN General Assembly, the World Health Assembly, and the Commission for the Status of Women that allows for those attending UN meetings to engage with ICN.